Surya Child Care
Dr. Ameet Dhurandhar has set up a WaterBirthing Center at Surya Child Care Hospital. The hospital brings unique and high level care in pregnancy and paediatric services including:
- A warm homelike birthing center. It combines aesthetics and utility and will instantly remind you of home. Each room is decorated for your newborn, thereby giving both of you a joyful atmosphere that will always be remembered.
- Dedicated obstetric operating suites for emergencies.
- A full complement of educational classes on childbirth and parenting.
- Pre and post detailed counselling of High risk pregnancies.
- Trained staff in water birthing.
Surya has the largest, well equipped PICU and NICU in India. Their staff includes a total of 20 full time Paediatricians including 3 full time Neonatologists and 3 full time senior Pediatric Intensivists, all with long standing experience and recognition for their expertise.