

For the Mother

  • Faster recovery post Delivery
  • Minimal Vaginal tear.
  • Ability to change birthing positions
  • Minimum medical intervention
  • Sense of accomplishment and fulfilment
  • Less breastfeeding issues
  • Peaceful and calm atmosphere

For the baby

Delayed Cord Clamping
  • This is when the umbilical cord is clamped and cut after a minimum of 30-60 seconds or till the loss of pulsations. (2 – 3 minutes).
  • Decreases risk of Anemia
  • In preterm babies, it decreases the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (a severe complication involving the intestines of a preterm baby) and interventricular haemorrhage.
  • Can be performed even during a Caesarean section
Skin to skin / Golden hour
  • The baby is laid directly on the mothers’ bare chest immediately after birth. This should be done within the hour.
  • Relaxes mother and baby
  • Regulates babys’ heart rate, breathing and temperature
  • Stimulates breast feeding and digestion
  • Improves gut flora and immunity of the baby
  • Peaceful and calm atmosphere