Do I need to do anything to prepare myself for a Water Birth?
Yes. One needs to read some literature on water birthing after which we can have a discussion. I can guide and provide you with reading material.
My 1st child was a Caesarian Section. Am I still eligible for a Water Birth?
Yes. Water Birth is an option for a previous Caesarian. However the mother will need to be monitored closely. In the case of the mother having other medical conditions, her case will be evaluated and then decided.
Is Water Birth Safe for the baby? Can the baby swallow water?
Yes, birthing in water is safe for the baby. The primary fear is of drowning and as mentioned earlier the reason the baby doesn't breath underwater is: It is smooth transition from Amniotic to sterile fluid at the same temperature. When the mother gives birth, the baby is still under the influence of the mother's hormones that does not stimulate breath movement. However it remains oxygenated through the umbilical cord. Water is hypotonic and lung fluid is hypertonic, therefore water cannot enter the lungs. The baby has a DIVE REFLEX, which sustains for 6-8 months. This reflex prevents the baby from breathing underwater, thus helps in breast-feeding.
What kind of water is used in the birthing pool?
The water is filtered treated clean water available at the Hospital.
What are the chances of complications during a Water Birth?
As the candidates chosen for water birth are low risk mothers, the chances of complications are very low. A skilled team constantly monitors the mother and baby for any signs of complications.
How long will I have to be in the water for?
The time taken in the water depends on how your birth is progressing. However, you will be made to get out of the pool every 2 hours to walk around, use the washroom and readjust yourself before getting back inside.
What are the benefits of a waterbirth over a natural drug free delivery in the room?
There are several benefits to a waterbirth that outweigh delivery in a room such as: The mother is relaxed. There is less pain involved inspite of no drugs being used. The mother is buoyant and can assume any comfortable position, thus opening the pelvis. The duration of child birth tends to be shortened. The mother is in complete control of her body, her surroundings and her progress.
Is the water temperature controlled?
Yes. The water is temperature controlled at all times and maintained between 36.5 - 37.5 °C
Can I have my husband and mother with me during the delivery process or is it like hospitals where no one is allowed inside?
You may choose to have whoever you would like in the room, however we always recommend to keep it small, making the experience personal and private. The amount of people in the room also depends on the size of the room you choose to use.
Am I left in the water alone or is someone with me at all times during my contractions?
You are never left alone in the water. Trained midwives and skilled staff will be with you round the clock monitoring you.
What happens to the baby and myself once the baby has been delivered in water?
Once the baby is delivered, the mother is encouraged to bring her baby up to the surface and place her child on her chest (skin to skin). Sometimes however, the cord maybe wrapped around the baby's neck and in such cases, I will intervene and bring the baby to the surface and hand it over to the mother.
Is it necessary to use the service of a Midwife/Doula?
I highly recommend their services, as they are a companion and guiding force during the pregnancy and birthing process, especially for the first timers (primigravida). They will sit through out the process right from the start till the birth of the child (regardless how long it takes), helping and monitoring you and the baby. They will be with you right from your home till you go to the hospital and give birth. They make the process easier, more comfortable and gentle.
What websites and books can I get information about Gentle Birth/Water Birth?
The following sites are informative:

Books authored by:
Dr Michelle Odent
Dianne Garland
Gail Tully
Barbara Harper

To name a few, the lists are never ending and will be updated frequently.